The Demand for Pain Relief Products (And How Your Business Can Tap on It)

The Growing Wellcare Industry: How Your Business Can Be Part of It
January 31, 2018
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The Demand for Pain Relief Products (And How Your Business Can Tap on It)

Did you know that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain of varying degrees?

With the sedentary and stressful lifestyle that most people lead, it is no wonder that pains and aches such as back and neck pains are prevalent.

Who needs pain relief products?

In the United States alone, about 126 million American adults (55.7%) suffer from some type of pain, accordingly to the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. The same survey also found that an estimated 25.3 million adults (11.2%) experience chronic pain, and nearly 40 million adults (17.6%) suffer severe levels of pain.

As a result, the pain management market continues to grow, with the United States being the largest regional market, followed by Europe. The fastest growing markets, however, are in Asia Pacific and Latin America.

What complementary pain management approaches do people turn to?

Pain has also led Americans to turn to complementary health approaches such as yoga, massage and meditation to manage pain and other symptoms that prescription drugs and conventional treatment are not able to address.

Between 2002 and 2012, there was an increase in the use of chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage among people who had no insurance coverage for these types of care. These suggest that Americans are willing to pay out-of-pocket for such complementary treatments, with an estimated US$14.7 billion spent on visits to complementary practitioners and US$12.8 billion on natural products in 2012.

How Your Business Can Tap On The Market Demand For Pain Management

With the growing demand for complementary pain management approaches, there exists a potential market to tap on. If your business helps customers with stress and pain management, or promote wellness and relaxation for overall health and well-being, here are 4 products you can consider making available to your customers.

1. Acupressure mats

Acupressure mats can be used for natural pain relief. A branch of traditional Chinese medicine, acupressure works by stimulating the acupressure points, or acupoints, in the body to regulate the flow of energy, or qi, throughout the body.

Acupressure mats are inexpensive, portable and easy to use. To use the acupressure mat, the user just needs to lie down on it for more than 20 minutes a day. By doing this, the user can relieve pains and aches such as on the shoulder or lower back, as well as, sore muscles. It can also help the user to relax and sleep well.

Yoga moves can also be performed on acupressure mats for additional benefits.

2. Acupressure pillows

Similar to acupressure mats, acupressure pillows also work by promoting blood circulation through the stimulation of the acupoints. It is mostly used to relieve tension or pain in the shoulder and neck.

Lying on the acupressure pillow can be a deeply relaxing experience, which in turn, helps to promote rest and sleep.

3. Acupressure foot mats

For people suffering from foot or heel pains, or muscle ache from too much walking or standing, using an acupressure foot mat can help to relieve the pain.

Small in size, acupressure foot mats are very portable and can be used almost anywhere, any time. For example, users can place a foot mat under their desks while working in the office, or stand on an acupressure foot mat while washing the dishes in the kitchen.

The spikes on a foot mat work just like acupressure to stimulate the acupoints on the feet so that the improved blood circulation releases the tension felt in the feet and relieves pain at the same time.

4. Reflexology foot mats

Reflexology is a natural therapy where pressure is applied to specific points on the feet that corresponds to different internal organs in the body. By applying gentle and firm pressure to corresponding points on the soles of the feet, one can benefit a specific organ or part of the body.

In some places, there are reflexology footpaths consisting of smooth stones in concrete for people to walk on. Walking on reflexology footpaths stimulates the acupressure points on the soles of the feet which can help to stimulate energy and blood flow throughout the body, helps relaxation and soothes tired and achy feet.

Reflexology foot mats allow people to get the same relaxing effect and enhance their general wellbeing in the comfort of their homes.

If you are looking to tap into the market for pain management and relief products, why not get in touch with us? We have access to suppliers and suitable products that can cater to consumer demand for such products. Contact us today.



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