4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Source in China

The Growing Wellcare Industry: How Your Business Can Be Part of It
January 31, 2018
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4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Source in China

As a wholesale distributor or retailer, it is important to manage costs in the supply chain efficiently in order to maintain a reasonable margin to optimize profitability. Sourcing for the right suppliers and products is thus an important aspect to help your business achieve this objective.

Where, then, should your business look for suppliers and products? Many businesses are turning to China, the world’s leading manufacturer and exporter of goods, to manufacture or source for products.

Here are 4 reasons why your business should too.

Low Labor Costs

With a population of 1.4 billion, China has access to a huge and low-cost labor force for manufacturing. Although wages in China have been rising, the labor force is still cheaper compared to developed countries. Products that are labor-intensive, especially, enjoy cost advantages to manufacture in China.

Huge Supplier Base

With many factories in China, the competition for businesses is high. Hence, Chinese factories are often eager to get your business. They are also more willing to accommodate your request for product specifications or quicker fulfillment time.

Economies of Scale

Chinese factories generally operate on large economies of scale as they scale up their production for both the vast domestic market and also for export globally. This helps them keep their costs down significantly and makes Chinese products cheaper.

Excellent Infrastructure

The Chinese government has consistently made the development of infrastructure within China a key focus of their economic development plans. This has resulted in improvements of roads, rail networks, ports and airports for better connectivity in the country. Businesses are thus able to move raw materials and finished products more efficiently and at lower costs.

If you are a wholesale distributor or retailer of consumer health care products and are considering sourcing for suppliers or products in China, why not get in touch with us? We have a range of acupressure products that you can immediately import for your markets, as well as, a range of services to help you find the right suppliers and products in China for your business.



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