Body wellness is like reading a good book. We believe too, that every good book could also use a good cover. Looking good is one of the building blocks for building one’s self esteem. A good personal upkeep is one of the best investments one can have, especially where first impressions can be deciding factors to how future interactions take place.



There is a growing interest in quality imported skincare products. The growing pool of effluent Chinese understand the importance of the foundations of good skin care. From reducing the signs of aging, skin repair and maintenance.

Our largest organ, covering us from head-to-toe, it is easy to see why investing in our skin could pay the best dividends in-terms building of self-esteem. A little self-love and self-indulgence does in-fact go a long way.



The crowning glory upon our heads, provides us with our identity. Maintaining those lovely locks can pose a challenge, especially when faced with challenging environments. The harsh effects of pollution can cause serious damage. Exposure to city traffic, and other contributing elements, like stress and aging are not one’s best friend. The younger Chinese consumer is open to looking beyond traditional remedies; which opens the door to more options for hair maintenance, or even solving hair problems.



While we have all heard about eyes being the windows to our souls, it actually is the skin around them which contributes character. Subcutaneous fat, which shapes our bodies and our faces, are largely non-existent in these areas. This fat offers a degree of protection, and more importantly, reduces the effects of aging. Without this fatty tissue, the skin in these areas are subject to aging quicker than the rest of our bodies. Constant maintenance is a must-have for a youthful upkeep.



Lip care is just as important as caring for other parts of your body and skin. It is not something that crosses everyone’s mind but it is important to prevent aging in the lips. Who doesn’t love having soft, plumped lips?



Your nails are indicators to your health. A healthy set of finger and toe nails are also important, as they form a hard-wearing barrier against the environment. Proper nail care helps to complete the picture in a well-groomed person.



In recent decades, men have also seen the advantages in taking care of themselves. Potentially making up more than half the Chinese market; men have increasingly been on the lookout for better facial, hair and body care products. Ditching the one-soap-cleans-all approach, there has recently been a strong demand for quality grooming products; especially imported ones.